VAT not included / TVA non incluse / IVA não incluso
27.000€ for a min 100 guests | Add extra guests 170€ each | Add Children 50% off price
Ajouter personnes supplémentaires à votre mariage / Adicione convidados extra ao seu casamento
Assistance on the wedding day |Assistance le jour du mariage | Assistência no dia de casamento
Venue rental fee |Location d'espace | Aluguer de espaço
Final cleaning | Le nettoyage final | Limpeza final
Dj & DJ'S Sound system | Dj et Système de sons DJ | DJ e Sistema de som para o DJ
Wedding Cocktail: Canapes and Drinks
Cocktail: Canapés et Boissons | Cocktail: Canapés e Bebidas
Cocktail Drinks
Sparkling wine, Port Wine, Red Wine, White Wine
Gin, Gin Tonic
Vodka, Vodka Orange, Vodka Tonic
Bear, Soft Drinks, Tonic
Juices: Orange and Strawberries with Raspberry
Flavoured Water, Sparkling Water and Still Water
Cocktail Food
Mini Caprese Skewers
Crab Pate with Toasts
Crudites with Yoghurt Sauce
Shrimp with Soy sauce
Samosas with Sweet Chilli Sauce
Croquettes with mustard sauce
Brie Cheese Gratin with Marmelade
COUVERT - Flat bread, pão, manteiga
FIRST COURSE (choose one):​
Seafood flan with a green salad
Puff pastry of chevre with honey and walnuts served with arugula salad
Degustation of two soups (hot or cold, depending on the season)
- Vichyssoise Watercress or Beetroot with yoghurt (cold)
- Peas with coriander or tomato with egg wires (hot) -
Hake with shellfish sauce, two purees and broccoli
Monkfish with sautéed clams and prawns on a bed of vegetables
Braised Codfish (Bacalao) in a bed of spinaches, virgin oil and baked potatoes (Portuguese Recipe)
Asparagus Risotto
SECOND COURSE (choose one):
Roast leg of lamb, mint sauce, crispy sweet potato and vegetable bundle
Rump with wine cooked at low temperature (slow cooking), baked vegetables (cherry tomatoes, celery, red onion) and wild rice
"Arroz de Pato" - A Traditional Ancient Portuguese Recipe with Duck Chorizo and Rice served with a tomato salad
Vegetarian Option
DESSERT (choose one):
Emulsion of black chocolate and passion fruit and fresh raspberries
Red fruits soup with mango ice cream or lemon sorbet and fresh berries
Starter (choose one):
“Caldo verde” soup with chorizo and cornbread
Fish soup
Main Course:
Grill with: Beaf, lamb chops, chicken, pork, selection of Portuguese sausages
Crispy sweet potato, cabbage, black bean, white rice
Choice of salads
Chocolat fondue, brownies, "pasteis de nata", marshmallows and seasonal fruit
With the meal: White Wine and Red Wine, waters and juices
White Wine: Montinho S. Miguel OR Similar
Red Wine Cicónia OR Similar
Coffee, tea and mignardises
Wedding cake (6kgs) & Sparkling Wine
Buffets- desserts, fruits and cheeses - extra : 20 euros per person – minimum 50 guests
Open Bar
Liqueurs, Gin, Vodka, Rum, Tequilla, Whisky, Brandy, Caipirinha, Caipiroska, Mojito, Wine, Bear and Soft Drinks
Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks ,Water
*There is no limitation on the number of drinks served per guest during the whole event; drunk guests will not be served
Indoor: Ballroom with a long table or round tables with tablecloth for 8 to 12 guests
Intérieur: Salle avec avec table longue ou tables rondes avec 8-12 personnes
Interior: Sala de jantar com mesas compridas ou mesas redondas atoalhadas de 8 a 12
Chairs | Chaises | Cadeiras
Indoor lounge (our model) | Lounge (notre modèle) | Lounge (o nsso modelo)
1 bar outdoor and 1 bar indoor | 1 bar extérieur et 1 bar à l'intérieur / 1 bar no exterior e 1 bar no interior
1 table for gifts and cards | 1 table pour les cadeaux | 1 mesa para presentes
8 Centrepieces with greenery and flowers of the season and tealights (premium flowers not included)
8 Centres de table avec des fleurs et verdures d'époque et des bougies (Fleurs premium ne sont pas inclues)
8 Centros de mesa com verduras e flores da época e tealights (flores premium não estão incluídas)
Printed Menus ( our model) | Menus imprimés (notre modèle) | Menus impressos (o nosso modelo)
Wood table markers number and seating plan (name tags not included)
Nombre de tables en bois et plan des tables | Número de mesas em madeira e plano de mesas
Background music for the ceremony, cocktail and wedding meal
La musique de fond pour la cérémonie, cocktail et dîner | Música ambiente para cerimónia, cocktail e copo d’água
Microphones and speakers for speeches during the whole event
Microphones et système de son pour les discours long de l'événement
Microfones e Sistema de som para discursos durante todo o evento
Disco ambiance with DJ, sound system and LED lights
Ambiance disco avec DJ, système de son et lumières LED | Ambiente de disco com DJ, Sistema de som e luzes LED
Contact via e-mail and phone | Contact par e-mail et par téléphone | Contacto telefónico e via e-mail
General planning consultation | Consultation générale de la planification | Assistência na organização geral do evento
Supplier referrals and contacts:
hairdresser, make-up artist, photographer, video, transportation, celebrant, designer, florist
Les références des fournisseurs et des contacts:
coiffeurs et maquillage, photographe, vidéo, transports, célébrants, concepteurs, fleuriste
Lista de fornecedores: cabeleireiros e maquilhagem, fotografia, video, transportes, celebrantes, designers, florista 
Guests arrival: 6:00
Cocktail and photos: 6:30 – 8:30
Entrance in the room, Dinner, coffee and speeches : 8:30 -11:00
Cake and sparkling wine: 11.00 – 11:30
Dance and an open bar: 11:30 – 3:30
The end: 4.00
Extra guests: €ï»¿ 170/pax | Children 3-10 years: 50% off price
(includes venue rental fee, wedding menu, chair and table fee and 1 center per every 8 guests)
Invité suplémentaire au dînner: €170/pax | Enfant 3-10 ans: 50% discount
Convidados extra para o jantar: €170/pax | Criança 3-10 anos: metade do valor de adulto
*Prices don't include transportation, hairdresser, celebrant or registrar fees
*Le prix n'inclu pas le transport, le coiffeur, célébrant ou coût de registre / *Preço não inclui transportação, cabeleireiro, celebrante ou o custo de conservatória
Bridal bouquet: from 120€
Bridesmais bouquet: from 50€
Bottonhole: from 20€
Mirror for the center pieces: 10€/ each
Extra center pieces: from 70€/ table
Chandeliers: from 50 euros each
Premium flowers (peonies, orchids, imported flowers): under request
Customized table markers: from 10€/ per table (wood table numbers are complimentary)
Name tags: from 1€/ guest