Are you looking for Kosher Food Catering in Portugal for your Destination Jewish Wedding ? Look no more! Lisbon Wedding Planner is here for you!! We work with 2 catering companies that will provide the solutions you need for your Jewish Wedding in Portugal:
- A local catering company, that caters international food and ocasionally caters Kosher food - best deal.
- An International Kosher catering company, that goes everywhere in order to serve the best Jewish comunity - this option is slightly more expensive.
Lisbon Wedding Planner has organized several Jewish Weddings and is aware that Kosher food and wine is not always easy to find. Anyway, if you’d like to organize your Jewish Wedding in Portugal CONTACT US - CLICK HERE or email us at
Alternatively you may work your menu with our Chefs and build an internacional menu based in vegetables and fish. Portugal has amazing fish with scales and fins due our large coastal area.
CONTACT US - CLICK HERE or email Lisbon Wedding Planner at