There are several ways to Limit your Wedding Guest List for your wedding in Portugal. If you are planning your destination wedding in Portugal, yet are desperate on how to Limit your Wedding Guest List, do not worry as your favorites Wedding Planners are here to save the day. We all know how hard it is to organize a destination wedding in Portugal and still remain within the budget! That is exactly why, we decided to present you with this list of Top 5 ways to Limit your Wedding Guest List for your destination wedding in Portugal.
1. Aunty Betty
If Aunty Betty met you when you were a week old and after that you just lost contact, than there is no point in feeling obliged to have her there. Invite only the family members who have been constant throughout your lives, those who have seen you grow up, go through your teen years, graduate, and finally become a grown woman. If they have not followed your growth as the young beautiful woman you have become, then do not feel bad in not having them there.
2. Limit your Parents
Set out a limit on how many guests can be invited by your parents. You know, the random friends that you never met, however your parents believe they should be there to witness your wedding? Fine, let them invite those people, since they are most likely helping you pay for the extravaganza, however do set a limit on how many guests they can invite. And do not let them under any circumstance go over the set limit amount.
3. A, B, C
Separate your friends into A, B and C categories. Once you have separated them into these three categories, ensure you only invite those in the A category. Make sure that you invite those friends who are there for you constantly, and who know both of you as a couple. Inviting your friend from 2nd grade, just so you won't feel bad, will definitely not help you to limit your wedding guest list. Remember, invite only the A-Listers.
4. Who Would be There?
Think about who would be there for you if you ever needed help. From both family and friends, who would really walk that extra mile, simply to see you smile? If some of the guests on your guest list do not cross your mind, then you must cross them off the list. Remember, if they are not important to you, or do not give you the time of day, then do not invite them simply for sympathy.
5. Don't Pity
Once you have made your final A-Listers, criss cross, list, make sure you do not wallow. There is no need to pity those who did not make the cut. If they are not on the final list, it is definitely for a reason, so you really should not feel bad about this. If you really want to control your budget, you really need to Limit your Wedding Guest List, independently if you feel bad about it or not. Keep strong, and confident, and move on to the next of many wedding list planning steps.